Monday, April 9, 2012


I kind of hate the word journey as it is greatly overused, but I cannot think of a better word to describe this battle I am undergoing with my food addiction and body image. On this journey, I have realized that it is filled with ups and downs. I'm talking not only about the scale, but also mood and motivation. I am trying something new though...... I'm not stopping. I have had many weeks during the last year and a half where I gained, took a week (or month) off. What I am learning is to not be so hard on myself. To focus on how far I have come, but not just in pounds lost. I've made great improvement at the gym, on my runs, in the kitchen, and the list goes on. I have made great improvements, and I need to remember those. What have you improved on? What are you still working to improve?


  1. I'm right there with you, journey is an awful word. Not sure how else to describe it. Eating has been and continues to be my greatest challenge, can't seem to get a handle on it. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Little Lindsay. You keep up the good work. Love your videos. Keep them coming!!!
